Playing Worge is simple! Each round is broken up into three 30 second parts worth 1 point each.
Part 1
One player is designated the Worge Master (WM). The WM will draw two cards of the same color from the deck, place them on the table face up so all players can easily see them and then start the 30 second timer. Players will merge two words to create their worge using the words on the cards and write it down. Worges can be created using one word from each card or two words from the same card. When time is up the WM collects the worges, reads them to the group and chooses a favorite. The player that submitted the winning worge gets 1 point. In the example below, we’ve merged the words Thin and Innuendo.

The WM starts the timer and players come up with a short definition for the worge chosen in round 1 and write it down. When time is up the WM collects the definitions, reads them to the group and chooses a favorite. The player that submitted the winning definition gets 1 point.

Part 3
The WM starts the timer and players come up with a short sentence using the worge and definition from the previous rounds and write it down. When time is up the WM collects the sentences, reads them to the group and chooses a favorite. The player that submitted the winning sentence gets 1 point.

The next person in clockwise order becomes the new Worge Master and play continues for as many rounds as you’d like. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Something you come up with during a game of Worge! could become part of your group’s vocabulary for years to come, this has been not so scientifically tested but could include…